Love and 3 BE's to be with our kids and make this world a better place
Dec 08, 2017‘’There is no single effort more radical for saving the world than a transformation of the way we raise our children.’’ Marianne Williamson
This quote is explaining exactly what I am working on achieving in my personal life and with this site. My big thing is to construct a Home or many homes, if you read this web page of mine, to create this safe, secure and thriving place for my children and our nucleus named family. I constantly strive to fashion the best environment for us to grow physically, mentally emotionally, spiritually and financially.
Here are a few ways in which we ( my husband and I) are achieving this:
Love them
This will probably be a future post so I won’t go there today but they need to feel the love that you have for them and this could be manifested in so many ways. As long as this is truthful and genuine and not destructive, we all are on the right path here. Let’s just say that hugs, kisses, I love you, laugh and giggles are safe bets!
Be a great role model
This is to me the crucial aspect of everything when it comes to raise children, the foundation. You cannot get real authentic permanent results, may it be change of behaviors or else: If you don’t walk the talk as parents, how can you expect your children to sustain the effort? They might do what you ask at first because of many reasons like their fear of punitive response or they want your love and acceptance. In the end, they will be more responsive if they see that you do it too!
Thus being what you strive on having them do help us parents to grow as human being. They can also witness that you too, sometimes, have a hard time to change habits. This teaches them that nobody is perfect but we need to try our best at making changes that affect positively ourselves and the world around us.
Be honest
We all make mistakes and I have yet to see a majority of people being proud of that. That does not mean we should hide our mistakes. In fact, I want my kids to see that I have a hard time too. Perceiving us as perfect makes it to high of a step for them to strive for when asked to change. Then lies invite more lies, and I just can’t lie to them, except when this is not age appropriate for them to know the truth.
Plus, be honest: our children are smart. They can tell when we are faking it. I know mine know, so why bother? Humility is a great quality! I have grown so much since being a parent. I would not be where I am today without them. Because we want the best for our children we need to be better human being. At our house, our kids points out to us when we made a mistake- we never conversed about their right to it but they see we don’t mind when they do. Also, they will sometimes jokingly threat us to go in the thinking spot if we misbehave and I think we once or twice played the game and went because, yes indeed, we infringed some rules we had put in place. Things happen!
Be present
We live with so many things to do so and much information to deal with that this one is valued by our children like never before. Be cautious! We can be physically with them without being present. I think more in terms of quality time spent together rather than quantity time. If both can be met, even better, but let’s not put too much on our shoulders. When we wait for having the time to be with them for an extended period of time, well, the perfect timing may never come.
When we take the opportunity to stop on our task to see their new tricks, their last piece of art and listen to their gigs for 5 minutes, it matters to them so much! It may means saying no to some extra events that come in our schedule, going to bed 5 minutes later or deciding to email that friend tomorrow. In the end we all have the same time and have the power to do what we want with it. Saying constantly to our kids: ‘’I have no time’’ is not the right thing to do and I know that you are aware of that. ‘’I don’t have time now but will be with you right after I finish my call’’ teach them to respect you but they still get that you care about them. They can really perceive it when we are in the moment with them. And we benefit from it too whether we realize it or not.
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